Sacred Samothrace
Coming soon.. the Conscious Guide to Samothrace

Samothrace (pronounced Samothraki) is a well kept secret in the Aegean. Thankfully due to its lack of easily accessible fine sandy beaches, it has evaded mass tourism and this is one of its alluring calling cards. If you like 5 star luxury head to Mykonos, this isn’t the island for you. If you like wild, sustainable, soul stirring beauty shrouded in myths and the mysteries then keep reading.

An island of magic and beauty, magic which calls us to connect with it, envision possibilities and realise new beginnings

Samothrace is rich with secret waterfalls, toe tingling natural beauty and sometimes raging winds. The energy of this island will literally sweep you off your feet.

Samothraceans are proud of their unspoilt island and do their utmost to defend her from encroaching large developments. When you’re on the island you’ll understand why, unlike other Aegean islands Samothrace has 23 different habitat types because of its varying geology, nooks and crannies and multitude of microclimates.

The southern facing side of the island has more Aegen habitats whereas the north facing side has rich green, deciduous valleys. Comprising of plane, oak, cedar, and chestnut trees and an abundant undergrowth of shrubs.

Spend time connecting with the nature at various areas on the island and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. This island invites you on a transformational journey of self-discovery.

Ancient Kabirian Mystery Grove

This mysterious island is one of the most powerful energy sites in Greece and is no doubt the reason the ancient Kabirian mysteries took place here. The Sanctuary of the Great Gods is where the mysterious rites took place and they were open to everyone, not just elite men. Various initiations were undertaken and cloaked in secrecy. As you walk around the site it’s easy to be sense you are being transported to ancient times and unexpected feelings arise. Out of season you’ll have the place to yourself, so spend time here, lie down and breathe in its secrets.

Samothrace exudes the nurturing energy of the Goddess, you can’t help but be enraptured by it

Take some quiet time in Alexandroupoli before leaving for the island. Tune into the energy.

If you don’t relax when you get to the island, the island will make you relax.

Meditate in the Sanctuary of the Gods and see what you receive

Be transported through the portal at the original entrance to the Sanctuary of the Gods

Bathe in the cool crisp cleansing waters of the vathres which bring you child-like enthusiasm and life energy

Walk through the magical deciduous woods on the north side of the island

Indulge in the relaxing thermal waters 

Feel alive after drinking the sweet waters from the springs and rivers (not downstream in July and August due to pollution)

Be energised under the flow of the smaller waterfalls

Enjoy the high quality produce grown and reared on the island which is full of taste

Attune with the energies of the Saos mountain

Enjoy the solitude of the southern beaches which are accessed by boat or a long hike

Soak up the serenity up on the mountainside in the Christos monastery ruins

Locals say that it’s impossible to stay on Samothrace if you are continually negative – the island itself will ensure of your swift exit


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