Tepozlán – Pueblo Mágico

One of Mexico’s Magical Towns

Tepoztlán is a pueblo magico – a magical town – when you come here you’ll understand why, it is an inherently mystical place.

It is believed that the locality of Amatlán in Tepoztlán is the birthplace of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent-god of the Aztecs. So it’s little wonder that it’s a magical place. The picturesque town is sheltered by spectacular mountains which radiate vitality with hidden energy vortices.

Over the last few decades the area has attracted all kinds of artists, healers, people interested in an alternative lifestyle and practitioners of esoteric arts.

It’s buzzing market is a definite must you can try pre-Histpanic food.

Tepozlán is definitely a place to spend time in, come here and recharge in the luscious magnetic energy. 

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